I want to help you become a

conscious creator of your ideal life.

"Decades ago, I discovered a much better way to go through life. Life went from feeling like a perpetual job to an exciting, engaging journey where my focus became spreading peace and love and fulfilling my unique purpose in this world."

Lisa Manzi Lentino, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

I'm Lisa and a large part of my acorn, my passion, and purpose in life, is to help as many people as possible free themselves from their fear-based minds, discover their true purpose, and learn to think constructively so they could become conscious creators of their ideal lives. I have spent my entire adult professional life studying psychology and learning how our minds can be either our greatest asset or a cunning saboteur of the life we were meant to live.

In my busy private practice as a clinical psychologist which I began in 2004, I continuously work with clients helping them with the process of learning how to master their own minds. But I’ve also gone through my own journey of freeing myself from the dysfunctional programming of my own mind. For the first 19 years of my life, I had bought into the ego’s notion that my self-worth was conditional upon either my academic or athletic performance. While I was successful on paper, I was also anxiety-ridden and life certainly felt like a job.

Early in college, I remember walking on Boston College’s campus one day and literally stopping in my tracks and stating, “There’s got to be more to this life thing than this.” I had spent four years in high school working my tail off to achieve high levels of success and I couldn’t imagine spending four more years in college and beyond in graduate school doing the same. After entering into counseling myself, studying psychology and my own process of self-reflection, I’m happy to report...

There is indeed a much better way to go through life!

I learned to reject the ego’s notion that my self-worth was conditional and consciously chose to live my life according to the belief that my self-worth was unconditional, inherent in the fact that I was a unique human being with a purpose to play in this world that only I could fulfill. Therefore, I had the same level of self-worth as any other human being (no more and no less). Of course, the fear-based ego mind will continuously try to have you believe otherwise.

But I can only tell you that by consciously changing that fundamental belief about my self-worth, I changed my entire experience of life. Life went from feeling like a perpetual job that stressed me out to an exciting, engaging journey where I focus every day on further developing my gifts and talents and sharing them with the world so I can hopefully fulfill the purpose God intended for me.

It is this transformation that I want to share with you and as many people as possible. With the Constructive Thinker Movement, I envision thousands and thousands of people across the globe learning to go through life driven by love and listening to their acorn so they can fulfill their purpose and live the life they were meant to live. 

The following beliefs drive most of my actions:

Every human being has unconditional self-worth, inherent in the fact that they are a unique human being. Therefore, no human being is worth more or less than any other human being. 

Most people are living life trapped in their fear-based ego minds which tries to convince you that some people are worth more or are more important than other human beings.

As long as you are trapped by your ego and feel like you have to “earn” your self-worth, life will feel like a perpetual job of trying to be “good enough.” 

You need not be threatened by any other human being, no one can be a better You than You. Just like each piece of puzzle, you have a unique part to play in their world only you can play.

​The negativity and violence we see in the world is the result of the ego’s fear-based thinking and lack mentality.

The path to true content and a meaningful life is to: Free yourself from your fear-based ego mind, discover what’s in your acorn, and learn to think constructively so you can become a conscious creator of your ideal life. 

If you share any of these beliefs and values, you are most definitely in the right place. I’m so excited to be part of your journey of the Constructive Thinker and have you as part of our movement to positively transform the world. 

So, from my heart

Welcome to the Constructive Thinker Movement! 

Let's do this!

See you inside.

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